Document name templates

Document name templates are available in Genius Scan Ultra.


By default, documents in Genius Scan are named following the pattern 2015-02-21 19:55. The Document name templates feature allows you to customize the way your documents will be named based on the date, time, location or any additional text.

Open the settings, choose  General and select Document name templates

Turn the Document name templates on.

Create a new template by tapping on  Add new template and then Add item...

Customize the name by tapping on each item. You will be able to enter custom text or  choose existing patterns such as the date, time, and even the location

Check the sample document name. It shows you how the documents will be named.


By default, documents in Genius Scan are named following the pattern 2015-02-21 19:55. The Document name templates feature allows you to customize the way your documents will be named based on the date, time, location or any additional text.

Open the settings and select Document name templates

Turn the Document name templates on and tap on Add new template...


Tap on Add item... 

You can customize your template with various components of date, time, location and custom strings

Keep an eye on the name template preview. It shows you how the documents will be named.

You can reorganize or remove name items by using the menu button next to each item

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