The Quick Edit Actions feature


When you scan several pages in batch mode, the Quick Edit Actions gives the option to quickly edit or re-take the last scanned page without interrupting the flow.

Right after snapping a picture, a preview of the scan will be shown on the screen for one second, with two buttons

  1. The Magic Wand to access the Quick Edit Actions
  2. The ✓ button to validate the scan and keep scanning. The progress indicator on this button shows the time left for the preview.

Tapping the Magic Wand opens up four action buttons: 

  1. change the enhancement, to black-and-white, color, photo or none.
  2. re-crop the page, to correct the detected borders
  3. rotate the page
  4. delete the scan, to skip this page or re-scan it if you're just unhappy with the result

You can then tap the ✓ validate button, to save the changes and continue scanning your document

Tip: to skip the preview, you can either tap the validate button or anywhere on the background.


When you scan several pages in batch mode, the Quick Edit Actions gives the option to quickly edit or re-take the last scanned page without interrupting the flow.

Right after snapping a picture, a preview of the scan will be shown at the bottom left of the screen.

Tapping the thumbnail opens the page full screen with four action buttons: 

  1. re-crop the page, to correct the detected borders
  2. change the enhancement, to black-and-white, color, photo or none.
  3. rotate the page
  4. delete the scan, to skip this page or re-scan it if you're just unhappy with the result

You can then tap the Back button of your device to save the changes and continue scanning other pages of your document.

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