Back up and restore your documents manually

You can create manual backups of your Genius Scan documents and settings.

This is most useful when you want to:

  • Set up a new Android device and restore your existing documents. Be careful: restoring a backup overwrites existing data.
  • Transfer your documents from the free Genius Scan app to Genius Scan Enterprise.
  • Keep a backup of your Genius Scan data to recover them if your device breaks or gets stolen. Make sure to save the backup onto another device or in a cloud service.

Want Genius Scan to back up your scans automatically? Subscribe to Genius Scan Ultra and open a Genius Cloud account to save and sync your documents on all your devices at all times.

Create a backup


Open the Menu and tap Backup and restore.


Tap Manual backups.


Choose Back up your Genius Scan data to create a manual backup of your app.


Select a destination folder and tap Save.

If you want to save the backup file on a cloud storage service, install the corresponding application on your phone so the provider shows up as a location in your file browser. Here, the file will be saved in Google Drive, under the My Drive folder.


The backup can take several minutes or more, depending on the number of documents you have. Do not close the app during the backup operation.

Once the backup is complete, a file named with the backup day's date and a ".gs-bck" extension is created in the folder you selected. This is your backup. You can transfer this file to your computer or to another device if necessary.

Restore a backup


Open the Menu and tap Backup and restore.


Tap Manual backups.


Choose Restore a previous back-up to restore a manual backup of your app.


The restore operation can take up to 10 minutes if you have a lot of documents. Do not close the app during the restore or your data could become corrupted.


When the Restore operation is complete, the app will restart and all your documents will be ready to use.

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