How to configure an export shortcut or destination?
This article covers an advanced topic.
Export shortcuts (Genius Scan Plus) or auto-export rules (Genius Scan Ultra) can save you time.
Adding a new manual export shortcut or an auto-export rule
To configure a new export shortcut or new export destination
- Open the settings of Genius Scan and go to the Export section.
- To configure a new export shortcut, tap Add shortcut… (1). To do so, you must be subscribed to Genius Scan Plus or Genius Scan Ultra.
- To configure a new auto-export destination, tap Add rule… (2). To do so, you must be subscribed to Genius Scan Ultra.
- Choose a service:
- If necessary, log in with the service.
- Configure the rule as described below.
Configuring a rule (Genius Scan Ultra)
You have several configuration options. Some of them are only available for manual export shortcuts, others for auto-export rules.
Main options
- Name the shortcut or rule (1). By default, the rule is named after the destination service. You can give it a better name so that it more easy to identify.
- Export to (2) section
- Specify folder during export: if active (default), you will be prompted to specify the folder when you export the document. Deactivate it to always use the same folder with that rule.
- Folder (mandatory for auto-export): specify the folder for this destination
- Delete document on success (3). Active this feature if you want to automatically delete the document when it's successfully exported. We recommend using caution when using this feature.
Specific options
- Configurable fields. This let you pre-configure some export entries. Every time you export with this rule, the content of these fields will be prefilled with the values you configure here.
In the screenshot above, you can see how you can configure an Email to myself shortcut. Note how the user here as named the export shortcut with a recognizable name including an emoji.
- Only export document if… section (only available for auto-export rules): This section lets you add conditions under which the file will be exported to this destination.
For instance, you can choose to always export documents tagged with Expense to your Expenses folder.
- Name contains: will only export to this destination if the name contains the specified value (case insensitive).
- Tag contains: will only export to this destination if the any of the tags contain the specified value (case insensitive).