Organize documents with tags
In Genius Scan and Genius Cloud, documents can be organized with tags, which are more powerful than folders. A document can be tagged with several tags and you can filter documents with tags.
Add tags to a document
- 1
Open a document and tap Add tag.
- 3
Type a tag name, tap the Return key, and see your new tag above your document.
- 4
You can also select an existing tag you previously added to another document. The existing tags appear above the keyboard.
- 1
Open a document and tap the tag you want to remove. You can either remove the tag from this document or delete it (it will be removed from all documents).
- 1
Tap the Search bar on the main screen.
- 2
The list of tags appears.
- 3
Search or select a tag.
- 3
This will filter all the documents tagged with this tag.
- 1
Open a document and tap the Tag icon.
- 2
The tags in orange are already added to your document. You can tap a tag to add it to your document or remove it from your document.
Remove a tag from a document
Find all documents with a tag
Tip! If a tag is active and you create a document, the document will be tagged with that filter. It can be useful for example if you want all your scans to be tagged "Paris" during your trip to Paris.
List all the tags you added to a document
Add tags to a document
- 1
Open a document and tap Add tag.
- 2
Create a new tag by typing its name and tapping the Done key.
- 3
See your new tag above your document.
- 4
You can also select an existing tag you previously added to another document.
Remove a tag from a document
Find all documents with a tag
- 1
Tap the Search button on the main screen.
- 2
Select a tag.
- 3
This will filter all the documents tagged with this tag
Tags export
Tags are saved into keywords metadata when you export your documents as PDF.
You can view and edit your tags on your computer by opening the Properties dialog box in your PDF reader. Some operating systems allow you to search and sort your document by PDF keywords, but third-party utilities like FileMeta and PDF Property Extension might be needed on Windows.
Filter documents with tags in Genius Cloud
- 1
Go to your Genius Cloud account. The tags you added in Genius Scan have been exported to Genius Cloud as well. Type a name or tag in the search bar to filter your documents list.
- 2
Every document containing the search term, in its name or in the added tags, will be displayed.
- 3
In the example below, only one document has the searched tag attached.
Genius Cloud is an optional cloud storage service behind Genius Scan that allows you to synchronize your documents between iOS, Android and Mac/Windows devices. Using Genius Cloud requires a monthly or yearly subscription.